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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Richard Tanner Pascale

Richard Tanner Pascale

A professor and a best selling author.He is known as an architect of corporate transformation programs. He also serves as an advisor to top management for several Fortune 100 size companies.
Richard Pascale came to prominence in the early 1980s at the time when Tom Peters and Bob Waterman's In Search Of Excellence, published in 1982, was aiming to redefine the route to corporate success.
His The Art of Japanese Management (coauthored with Anthony Athos), expounding the virtues of the McKinsey Seven-S model, has become a classic, and he has remained at the forefront of management thinking ever since.
Richard combines a rare synthesis of scholarly thinking and practical experience.
He encourages agility which enables businesses to reinvent themselves in the dynamic and volatile new economy.
He sets the rules for creating complex adaptive systems that are poised to constantly to rethink strategic initiatives and attain the renewal necessary for success.Comparing businesses to a living organisms he declares that they must 'adapt or die' in the economic ecosystem.
Life and Career -
Born in 1938, Pascale was educated at the Harvard Business School. He was heavily involved in the evolution of the Seven-S model developed by Peters and Waterman at McKinsey. He has worked closely with the CEO and top management teams of many large corporations including AT&T, General Electric, The New York Times, Marriot, British Petroleum, Ciba Geigy, Intel and Morgan Guaranty Bank. Additionally, he has conducted research at GM, Ford, Chrysler, British Airways, Motorola and Sony. His latest research focuses on the emergence of self-organisation.He was a member of the faculty at Stanford's Graduate School of business for 20 years and taught the most popular course in their MBA program - a course on organisational survival. Furthermore, Richard was a White House Fellow, Special Assistant to the Secretary of Labour and Senior Staff of a White House Task Force. In the latter capacity, he participated in the reorganisation of the Executive Office of the President. In October 1991, the BBC TV dedicated a program to his work and he is also the subject of a two-hour video on Transformation.

Key Concepts introduced by Pascale
The 7-S McKinsey Model

Books written by Richard Tanner Pascale
The Art of Japanese Management.
Managing on the Edge: How Successful Companies Use Conflict to Stay Ahead.
Surfing the Edge of Chaos.

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