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Monday, March 17, 2008

Creativity Check

Are you in the right job?

Are you happy doing what you do to earn?

Creativity and Success in the work we do is directly related to our happiness in performing it.

So do you want to know how creative you are at work.

You could do your Creativity Check by taking the Creative Motivation Scale developed by Dr. E. Paul Torrance, a pioneer researcher in the field of creativity research. You could probably take a sheet of paper and a pen and mark "T" stands for True, if the statements below describes your attitudes and motivations and "F" stands for False, if it does not describe your attitudes or motivations.

  1. I think financial reward is the best incentive to good work.
  2. I am apt to pass up something I want to do when others feel that it isn't worth doing.
  3. I find it easier to identify flaws in the ideas of others than to think of other possibilities myself.
  4. It is hard for me to work intently on a problem for more than an hour or two at a stretch.
  5. I enjoy work in which I must keep trying out new approaches.
  6. I am fascinated by new ideas, whether or not they have practical value.
  7. My mind often gets so caught up in a new idea that I am almost unable to think of anything else.
  8. I thoroughly enjoy activity in which pure curiosity leads me from one thing to another.
  9. I enjoy trying out a hunch just to see what will happen.
  10. I never pay much attention to "wild" or "crack-pot" ideas.
  11. I enjoy experiences where I can't know what is going to happen.
  12. I feel upset when little things happen that I had not counted on.
  13. I sometimes lose myself in experimenting with an idea that may have no practical value.
  14. My interest is often caught up in ideas that may never lead to anyhing important.
  15. The presence of a group stimulates me to think of new solutions.
  16. When I get a new idea, I drop everything to try it out.
  17. I sometimes get so intent on a new idea that I fail to do the things I ought to be doing.
  18. I enjoy work in which I must change my course of action as I go along.
  19. I am inclined to be "lost ot the world" when I get sarted on a new, original idea.
  20. I enjoy tackling a job that I know involves many as yet unknown difficulties.
  21. I never feel really qualified when taking on a new job.
  22. I have a feeling of excitement when an idea I am working on begins to jell.
  23. I enjoy staying up all night when I'm doing something that interests me.
  24. I frequently try things which do not occur to others to try.
  25. I like to find ways of converting necessities to advantages.
  26. I am willing to risk suffering for the sake of possible growth.
  27. I see many problems to work on, much work to do.
  28. I sometimes become childishly enthusiastic about an apparently simple thing.
  29. I usually put a great deal of energy and zeal into my work.
  30. I resist accepting the accustomed ways of doing things unless I can prove to my own satisfaction that it is the best way.

So now lets check the score. Your score is the number of answers you marked "True."
The following answers are how an ideal 100% creative person would have answered.

  1. F
  2. F
  3. F
  4. F
  5. T
  6. T
  7. T
  8. T
  9. T
  10. F
  11. T
  12. F
  13. T
  14. T
  15. T
  16. T
  17. T
  18. T
  19. T
  20. T
  21. T
  22. T
  23. T
  24. T
  25. T
  26. T
  27. T
  28. T
  29. T
  30. T

Interpretation of Scores for Creative Motivation Scale
24 or higher: Exceptionally strong creative motivation, "hard to stop," not easily discouraged
21-23: Strong creative motivation
18-20: Above average in creative motivation
14-17: Average creative motivation
12-14: Below in creative motivation
11 or less: Weak creative motivation, hard to get motivated for creative thinking or expression

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